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16. 04. 2014


16.4.2014 (Fonet) - Serbia's Chief Negotiatior with EU Tanja Miščević said that Serbia's ultimate goal is membership in the EU, but that the main task are reforms in the country.

Miščević said that "these reforms can have a pace led by the membership, but above all by the measure of our abilities", and that Serbia is trying, using the experiences of EU members, to speed up the reforms which are sizable, comprehensive, numerous, expensive, difficult and long lasting.

As a guest in the Morning Program of Radio Television of Serbia (RTS), Miščević stressed that the official response from Brussels is awaited about two media laws - the law on public information and the law on media financing, and that the third law - the one on public service broadcasters - is at the final stage.

According to Miščević, the first two laws underwent complete procedure and the comments in Brussels were good, with some recommendations for improvements.

Rounding up the media space through the adoption of media laws lasts long, stressed Miščević and added that after the adoption of media strategy the task was to adopt the three media laws.

Miščević pointed out the obligation that every law that is being prepared must be sent to verification so as to establish whether it complies with the EU standards, but she stressed that the adoption of the three laws is an obligation stemming from the media strategy.

However, she emphasized that the adoption of the three media laws is an important segment of what is the essence of future negotiations, namely chapters 23 and 24, because media freedoms are very important.

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