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29. 04. 2014


Belgrade, 29.04.2014 (Informer, by M.M.S.) - The promise made by the Government of Serbia almost a year ago that it will discontinue the (mandatory) subscription fee for the Radio Television of Serbia (RTS) has not been met, and is not likely to be anytime soon. Namely, the responsible Ministry of Culture and Information said that they are working to change the laws, but cannot specify the date when we will stop paying the subscription for public service broadcasters.

When asked by "Informer" when we can expect the radio and television subscription to be discontinued, Assistant Information Minister Sasa Mirković replied that at present it is difficult to give a precise answer.

- Discontinuing the subscription is related to media laws the passing of which is in a final stage. The radio television subscription fee is based on the Broadcasting Law, which will remain in force until the adoption of the new media legislation - said Mirković.


He could also not explain why citizens are currently paying twice for Radio Television Serbia (RTS), once through the electricity bill and indirectly, through the budget, where budgetary funds are allocated for the operation of public service broadcaster.

- Work is still being done on the draft Law on Public Service Broadcasters, so it is hard to answer the question regarding the future funding of Radio Television Serbia and Radio Television Vojvodina - said Mirković.

Due to a large number of citizens who have stopped paying the radio and television subscription, the Serbian government allocated this year as much as 7.5 billion dinars for public service broadcasters. Double funding was to be short-lived, but was extended due to elections and a break in parliamentary work. However, an even bigger problem is that the subscription fee can be discontinued only temporarily, until early 2016, when its reintroduction is announced.

Secretary General of the Journalists' Association of Serbia Nino Brajović believes that the subscription should not be discontinued.

- The state is the most responsible for the poverty of public service broadcasters and I believe that we should not discontinue the support from the budget until Radio Television Serbia and Radio Television Vojvodina are put back on their feet.

I expect this to take place in two to three years, and only then we should discontinue budget financing. The subscription is a prerequisite for the independence of the public service broadcasters, especially with the huge budget deficit - said Brajović.

It is estimated that last year RTS managed to collect only 379 million dinars in place of 2.5 billion because there is no legal basis for filing lawsuits against debtors, which is a situation that citizens skillfully use.


The inability of the public service broadcasters to collect on lawsuits against citizens not paying the subscription fee is a consequence of the fact that the fee is paid through the "Electric Power Industry of Serbia (EPS )" bill , and that it has a statute of limitations of 12 months. Additionally, EPS cannot sue debtors because it does not produce TV program, so it is unlikely that the public service broadcaster will collect the debt.


Milos Rajković, RBA Council

You have correctly noticed that discontinuing the subscription fee has dragged on, but I have the impression that it will be hard to avoid paying. If the subscription is the price for the survival of the public service broadcaster, I am willing to keep paying it forever.

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