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08. 05. 2014


08. 05. 2014 (Nedeljnik, Tanjug, B92) - Prime Minister Aleksandar Vučić said that the state will withdraw from media ownership, and that new media laws will be passed before the summer break.

"Absolutely. This is my concept," Vučić said for Belgrade weekly "Nedeljnik" when asked whether the state will withdraw from the media.

"I see there is pressure now, everyone wants the state to stay in the media. This is because they are not capable of going to the market. Well, I don`t care. Everyone to the private sector," said Vučić.

When asked about the statement issued by the Serbian Progressive Party (SNS), which he is the president of, criticizing Radio-Television of Serbia (RTS) reporting on the day when the government was inaugurated at the Assembly, Vučić said that it was "a very stupidly chosen day" to issue that statement.

"On the day I gave the exposé it was pointless to issue any statement. I spoke with people from the information service afterwards and said so. I understand them, but the media made it look like it was who knows what," said Vučić.

He added that "this is the only government that has not replaced a single RTS journalist or editor," and is therefore "the fairest government in a fairest relationship."

"I urge and plead (the media) to continue with their critical manner because it improves us and makes us better. As for my party, we will be careful about the statements we send out and I do not think there were any threats there or any jeopardizing of media freedom," said Vučić.

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