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14. 05. 2014


14. 05. 2014 (Politika, By D. Čarnić ) - The investigation of the murder of Slavko Ćuruvija, owner of "Dnevni Telegraf" and "Evropljanin," should be completed by the end of this week, daily "Politika" was told yesterday by special prosecutor Miljko Radisavljević. "During this week the remaining witnesses will be examined and decision will be made on the procedural motions by the defense. Therefore, the last planned activity by the prosecution at this stage of the proceedings will be conducted on May 16.

In the course of the investigation so far there have been no hold-ups or interruptions. Witnesses have been examined in continuity, and contents of confiscated technical equipment were examined and analyzed. The prosecution is satisfied with the results of the investigation because numerous witnesses gave detailed statements on circumstances known to them," said the prosecutor, adding that these statements, along with other evidence, will make possible the long-awaited decision soon.

This means that the indictment for the murder of Ćuruvija could be filed as early as May.

The Prosecutor's Office for Organized Crime questioned yesterday Ratko Ljubojević, former operative of the State Security department responsible for covert surveillance. His testimony and statements of the witnesses examined so far are secret.

Nebojša Soković, member of the same department, should be questioned today, and on Friday the last witness will be heard - Branka Prpa, the witness of the murder. Lawyer Slobodan Ružić, legal counselor for Ćuruvija`s daughter and son, rejected media speculation that the investigation was delayed.

"The Prosecutor is taking other actions in the investigation, and not only questioning the witnesses, but legal representatives for the plaintiffs do not know the scope of the additional investigation. It cannot be argued that prosecution is not doing anything just because witnesses were not interrogated during one month, since it is possible that it is obtaining material evidence. I think that investigation is taking its course," said lawyer Ružić.

The investigation is being conducted against four former members of the State Security - Radomir Marković , Milan Radonjić, Ratko Romić, and Miroslav Kurak, on suspicion of involvement in the murder of Ćuruvija.

Since January 14, when the investigation was initiated, testimony was given by former State Security (DB) chief Jovica Stanišić, JSO unit founder Franko Simatović, former deputy BIA chief Milorad Bracanović, and many State Security officials and officers, and by Biljana Pejović, widow of Luka Pejović, who was once linked with Ćuruvija's murder.

Dejan Milenković Bagzi and Miladin Suvajdžić, protected witnesses, were questioned, as were former members of the "Zemun clan" Miloš and Aleksandar Simović, and a statement was given by Ćuruvija's daughter Jelena. Radonjić and Romić are in custody, Marković is in prison in Požarevac, and Kurak is at large with an international warrant for his apprehension.

On Friday, as the last witness, Branka Prpa, the eyewitness to the murder, will be heard.

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