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22. 05. 2014


Brussels, 22.05.2014 (Tanjug, RTV) - Screening of another chapter in the accession process began today in Brussels, with media media as the main topic.

The Belgrade delegation, which is today discussing Chapter 10 (Information Society and Media) with the European Commission experts, is led by Saša Mirković, assistant minister of culture and information.

In today's first, explanatory part of the screening, EC experts are presenting to Serbian guests the manner in which this matter is regulated in the EU, while in the following bilateral part the Serbian delegation will acquaint the European experts with the local media legislation.

The screening process is intended to determine the degree of the alignment of legislation of the candidate country with EU rules for each of the 35 chapters of the accession negotiations.

Serbia has so far completed both parts of the screening of eight chapters, while the process is underway for another eight chapters, including the one discussed today.

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