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02. 06. 2014

Vucic requests apology from OSCE

Belgrade, 2.6.2014. (Tanjug) -Serbia's Prime Minister Aleksandar Vucic requested on Monday that OSCE representative for media freedom Dunja Mijatovic apologise for her claims of censorship in Serbia.

In his letter to Mijatovic, which was forwarded to Tanjug, Vucic states he is deeply concerned over the accusations the OSCE representative has made against the country whose government he leads, stressing that he is forced to verify all the claims in her statement.

It is not usual for a prime minister to respond officially, in writing, to a single written statement, he points out, adding that he does so because he believes Mijatovic was deceived and because he does not even wish to think that some other political intention is behind the false claims made against Serbia in her statement.

Vucic said he had asked Mijatovic to supply even a single piece of evidence to corroborate the claim that the Serbian government had disabled the websites drugastrana.com and teleprompter.rs or taken down anyone's blog from the wabsite of the daily newspaper Blic and added that no such evidence had been given.

Vucic remarked that he did not want to believe that Mijatovic had collected her information in a manner that lacked all seriousness, getting it from a website that normally ran a dirty campaign against his government. He further added that he did not want to believe Mijatovic had made the claims without checking the false information given to her by officials of the so called independent institutions in Serbia. He also stressed that he did not want to believe Mijatovic had made her statement out of a need to discipline the Serbian leaders and stifle any idea of Serbia being free and independent in its foreign policy.

The prime minister asked Mijatovic why she had not inquired with the editors and owners of Blic about whether the Serbian government had taken anything off their website, adding that neither he nor she had ever heard of the other websites and that no one in Serbia cared about them.

He expects nothing more than an apology from the OSCE for all the false information concerning Serbia, and regardless of whether that apology is given or not, he states that he will oppose at every step the lies coming from the OSCE and that he is going to fight for freedom and the right to a political choice as a fundamental European value, even at the cost of the dirtiest of the campaigns against him being continued in Serbia and abroad.

The ferocity and power of the campaign of false information, no matter how many times it gets repeated, cannot change one clear thing, that Serbia is a free and democratic country, Vucic concluded.

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