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02. 06. 2014


2.6.2014 (Beta) - Editor of the web portal "Peščanik" Svetlana Lukić said today that this website was hacked after it published an article pointing to serious indications that a part of the PhD thesis of the minister of internal affairs of Serbia Nebojša Stefanović is plagiarized.

Peščanik.net was hacked by a DOS attack which is exectued by a large number of simultaneous accesses to the website. Since we published the article we had an unusally large traffic, some time between 4 and 5 pm, and the attack has continued - we restore the website, they hack it and so on", said Svetlana Lukuć to Beta news agency.

She stated that the attack was the most serious when the PhD thesis in question was mentioned in the TV B92 show "Utisak nedelje" ("Impression of the Week").

The editor of "Peščanik" said that a detailed analysis will be done which should point towards those responsible for hacking the website.

"We will take measures and submit data to the police department in charge of fighting cyber crime. This is not the first time that "Peščanik" is under DOS attack, but it has never been like this", said Svetlana Lukić.

Nebojša Stefanović defended his PhD thesis in June 2013 at the Megatrend University. The thesis topic was "New Role of Strategic Management in Managing Local Self-Autonomy (example of the city of Belgrade)".

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