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04. 06. 2014


Belgrade, 04. 06. 2014 (Beta, RTV) - Ombudsman Saša Janković said that we live in a society, i.e. a state system where the center of power has moved to the executive branch of the Government, and that it is of concern that the unobstructed functioning of state bodies depends on its will.

It is obvious that the very existence of the Constitution and laws is not enough to guarantee their implementation, but that the will of the executive branch is needed, said Janković in an interview for daily "Danas."

The Ombudsman had a meeting with Prime Minister Aleksandar Vučić regarding Ombudsman's assessment that there is an "extraordinary situation in the freedom of expression" in Serbia and the Assembly of Serbia Administrative Committee`s failure to extend contracts for 19 of his staff. He said they talked mainly about freedom of expression.

The prime minister maintained his position that the Government of Serbia does not interfere with, nor threaten the freedom of speech. "I repeated my words that the freedom of expression is threatened and stressed that an atmosphere has been created that indicates that it is not fully achieved", said Janković.

He said that he emphasized that the task of the person with greatest powers is to encourage freedom of expression and criticism, and not to ask for evidence that direct banning of certain content was done by the Government.

Janković added that the prime minister maintained that the Government does not threaten freedom of speech, and that he will ensure that the Ombudsman has all the conditions for unhindered work.

However, this statement has dual connotation. On the one hand, I am grateful for his support, on the other hand, it is bad that the head of government needs to guarantee something that is already guaranteed by the Constitution and laws, the Ombudsman noted.

Janković warned that the loss of 19 staff members is a big blow to the institution of the Ombudsman because they lead thousands of procedures for him, all on the basis of reports by citizens whose human rights have been violated.

There are too many decisions being made on matters guaranteed by the Constitution. They should not be debated. They are guaranteed, and not subject to debate, said Janković and pointed out that under the Constitution the legislative branch of the government is independent from the executive branch.

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