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11. 06. 2014


11. 06. 2014 (Politika, by R.H.) - On this day 13 years ago Milan Pantić from Jagodina was murdered. The Commission to investigate the murders of journalists with its working group is working intensely to uncover the motives, masterminds and the perpetrators of this murder. Before the creation of the Commission, seven working groups attempted to solve this case and their results include several directions of the investigation, several possible perpetrators and masterminds, and so far the work has focused on eliminating dead ends.

It was established that during the investigations none of the lines of inquiry achieved results.

According to the Commission, the new working group working on this case focused on the investigation of the privatization of the "Novi Popovac" cement factory and business dealings of the "Jagodinska Pivara" brewery. Numerous questionings yielded new facts, and opened up new possibilities.

The person suspected of being the direct perpetrator of the crime has not examined yet because of the lack of satisfactory cooperation with the police in Germany, where the person lives under a different identity.

In recent weeks, information was found on communications at the time of the murder, which will certainly contribute to establishing key facts about who the potential participants in inspiring, organizing and executing the killing of Milan Pantić are. The Commission to investigate the murders of journalists said in a statement that it will work to establish the truth about the murders until these cases are resolved.

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