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08. 07. 2014


8.7.2014 (Danas, Beta) - State secretary at the Serbian Ministry of Culture and Information, Saša Mirković, said yesterday that 81 media are owned by the state and are awaiting privatization or they are at some stage of privatization.

At a session of the Parliamentary Committee for Culture and Information, Mirković said that, according to the data of the Serbian Business Registers Agency, there are between 1.300 and 1.400 media in Serbia, and that withdrawal of the state from the ownership was initiated in some 10 percent of them. He also said that the issuing of three media laws - on public information and media, broadcast media and on public service broadcasters (Radio Television of Serbia and Radio Television of Vojvodina) - is at the final stage.

„We received certain comments and opinions of the European Commission. We sent responses to these comments", said Mirković stating that he will travel to Brussels in the following days and that he will try in direct communication „to speed up the process as much as possible" so that the laws would reach parliamentary procedure.

Mirković said that the laws, particularly the one on public information and media, will bring „betterment" when it comes to the withdrawal of the state from the media ownership.

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