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10. 07. 2014

Google Street View service soon to be available in Serbia

10.7.2014. (Tanjug, B92) - Google presented in Belgrade on Thursday its Street View service which enables users to take virtual walks along streets of cities.

The U.S. internet giant's service users can in this way "find a specific location and see the surrounding places they might want to visit."

The new Google application in Serbia provides complete coverage for cities of Belgrade, Niš and Novi Sad and the new service will be available to users in Serbia in a few days.

During the presentation, Google representatives announced that a special company vehicle will visit around 70 percent of cities and villages in Serbia in the next three to four months in order to film the sites and make them available via the Street View service for PC, tablet and smartphone views.

State Secretary in the Ministry of Trade, Tourism and Telecommunications Lukrecija Đeri said that the project bears exceptional importance because it contributes to Serbia's better positioning on the world map.

Belgrade Deputy Mayor Andreja Mladenović expressed the hope that Belgrade will offer "a beautiful image for the rest of the world because there are a number of sites which can be presented to tourists worldwide in this way."

The special Google vehicles started capturing 360-degree photos in major Serbian cities such as Belgrade and Novi Sad on October 23, and later on continued the filming in other towns and villages.

Street View is an exceptionally popular application available for 50 countries and over 3,000 cities worldwide.


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