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11. 07. 2014


10.7.2014 (Tanjug) - Media in Serbia are threatened with stagnation or worsening of independence, professionalism and economic sustainability, with a visible trend of tabloidization, it was said today at the presentation of the results of the international Media Sustainability Index for Serbia in 2013.

The research, conducted by the international non-governmental organization IREX ProMedia since 2001, which assesses media situation in 80 countries, analysed five indicators - freedom of speech, professional journalism standards, economic sustainability of media, transparency of sources and media institutions.

As for the freedom of speech, the results show certain improvement in Serbia in 2013, influenced primarily by online media. However, freedom of speech is not complete yet, the results show.

Business sustainability of media is lower than in 2001, when the development of democratic system began, and it particularly worsened after 2008 due to the economic crisis.

Situation is similar when it comes to journalistic standards. After the initial improvement at the time of issuing liberal media laws in 2002 and 2003, they are on a decrease, the report states.

Media lost 14 years

Goran Cetinić, the research organizer, stressed that the „rising trend in the media" lasted for several years after democratic changes and it coincided with the attempts of the government of the time to democratize media space.

- After 2003 there was a stagnation of several years, and after 2008 there has been a permanent worsening of the situation in the media. We could thus openly say that the media lost 14 years - Cetinić assessed.

According to Cetinić, access to information has improved owing to the institution of the Commissioner for Information of Public Importance, but the indicator has had a decreasing trend since 2012.

As for media institutions, Cetinić stressed that there is almost not a single trade union of media employees which would adequately protect their rights.

Unnecessary polemics with politicians

Cetinić is of the opinion that the biggest problems for the media are still an overly strong influence of the authorities on editorial policy, reluctance of politicians to bring order into media sector in a civilized manner, and the abuse of poor economic standing of the media.

- Polemics with politicians are unnecessary. Journalists should direct more attention to two institutions which are the most important ones for the sustainability of the media sector - the Ministry of Culture and Information and the Republic Broadcasting Agency - as increased pressure on them is needed in creating media regulation - Cetinić pointed out.

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