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05. 08. 2014

Serbia will get digital TV signal by mid 2015

Belgrade, 5.8.2014 (Tanjug) - Serbian Deputy Prime Minister Rasim Ljajic stated on Wednesday that the digital television signal will be introduced by mid 2015, so the state would be able to sell the free part of the frequency spectre.

The digitalisation process has been brought to its final stage and Serbia will be able to introduce a fully digitalised television signal within the planned deadline, which is June 2015, Ljajic said and added that the free part of the frequency spectre would be offered to mobile operators.

The legal basis for the conclusion of digitalisation was ensured by the recent adoption of the set of media laws and according to some assessments, the sale of this part of the frequency spectre for introduction of the fourth generation of mobile telephony should bring at least EUR 100 million to the Serbian budget, said Ljajic who also holds office as the minister of trade, tourism and telecommunications.

Summing up the results achieved in the first 100 days of the Ministry's work in an interview for International Radio Serbia, Ljajic first pointed to the progress made in the digitalisation process and the drafting of four laws, three of which have already been adopted in the Serbian parliament.

These include the key law, the Law on Consumer Protection, which has been adjusted with organisations in charge of consumer protection and won the best marks by the European Commission, Ljajic said.

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