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20. 08. 2014

Analogue transmitters to be phased out from March 2015

Belgrade, 20.8.2014. (Tanjug) - The Ministry of Trade, Tourism and Telecommunications has adopted the regulations on the transition from analogue to digital television broadcasts and access to multiplexes, under which parallel analogue and digital broadcasts will start on September 1, 2014, with the phaseout of analogue transmitters scheduled to start on March 1, 2015.

The regulations, published in the Official Gazette of the Republic of Serbia on August 18, specify the technical requirements and the pace of the transition to digital television broadcasts.

The regulations specify the radio-frequency channels per distribution zones for the first, second and third multiplexes, as well as ways of accessing the multiplexes and further development of the initial test network for digital television broadcasts.

The regulations establish that at least 95 percent of the population in the first multiplex should be covered by a digital terrestrial television signal, with at least 90 percent of the population covered in the second and third multiplexes.

Also defined are deadlines for the start of the simulcast and the phaseout of analogue services per distribution zones.

The simulcast represents a transitional period with parallel broadcasts of analogue and digital television signals.

The simulcast is scheduled to start on September 1, 2014, with the first analogue transmitters to be switched off on March 1, 2015.

Digitisation of terrestrial television represents a process that is hugely significant for improving the public information system in Serbia, especially as new communication, information and interactive services are set to become available to the citizens, State Secretary Tatjana Matic has said.

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