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10. 06. 2014


Media Coalition organized in Prijepolje a public debate on the importance and the influence of media in multiethnic communities.

Bearing in mind the power of the media in creating public opinion, the participants discussed the influence of the media on the development of tolerance and inter-culturality in multiethnic communities.

During the discussion, representatives of media and civil society organizations talked about the perceived degree of tolerance in the media, content quality and the language used in media reporting. They also discussed unprofessional news reporting and reporting on conflicts as these can have immense consequences for citizens and the society. A program on the amity of Bosniacs and Serbs in a Bosnian village was screened during the debate. The program was authored by Branko Stankovic, editor at Radio Television Serbia and author of the program "Quadrature of Circle" ("Kvadratura kruga").

"I think that the media should place a person in the front, so that a person is above all in importance. I have never been interested whether a person is a Serb or a Muslim, but whether he/she is a good human being", said Branko Stankovic.

As cities and municipalities in Sandzak are very much multiethnic communities, Amela Bajrović, the editor of Radio 100+, Novi Pazar, said that similar stories about concord of compatriots could be made in the Sandzak area.

Public debate "Tolerance and Inter-Culturality of Media in Multiethnic Communities" is 7th in the series of 12 planned events organized within the Campaign for Media Literacy, implemented by the Media Coalition and supported by the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) with the aim of raising public awareness on free and responsible journalism as a basis for democratic society.

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