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23. 10. 2014

B92's Stanković wins Courage in Journalism Award

23.10.2014. (B92) - Brankica Stanković, the author of B92 TV's Insider series, has been awarded with the prestigious international Courage in Journalism Award.She received the award in a ceremony in New York on Wednesday..

Stanković was previously presented with with numerous domestic and international awards.

The prestigious Courage in Journalism Award is recognized in the U.S. as journalistic Oscar. This important international award is being presented by the International Women's Media Foundation (IWMF) that highlights strengthening the role of women in news media worldwide for 25 years now.

Every year, three women journalists are being honored with Courage in Journalism Award that showed exceptional strength of character in performing their job under difficult and dangerous conditions, and continuing to do so in the face of government oppression, threats to personal safety and other intimidating obstacles.

"This worldwide award is proof that when you do your job properly and professionally, borders are not important, and it doesn't matter where you are on the globe, where you live and work. What matters is that quality is recognized. Our motto has always been that journalists work for the public and there can be no compromise when it comes to truth and public interest", Stanković said while receiving the award.

She added that she does not consider herself a brave woman. "I think it is a matter of deciding either to do your job in the best possible way, or not do it at all", Brankica underlined on the award ceremony in front of around 600 leading American media personalities.

Along with Stanković, this year's laureates are Arwa Damon, CNN war correspondent, and Editor in Chief of Le Souverain Solange Lusiku Nsimir from DR Congo. Former laureates of this award are, among others, assassinated Russian journalist Anna Politkovskaya, as well as Christiane Amanpour and Barbara Walters.

After the Award ceremony in New York, the laureates will present themselves in a few days in Los Angeles on the ceremony aimed at raising awareness of the significance of independent and unbiased journalism.

Television B92 congratulates Brankica Stanković on this prestigious award.


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