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31. 10. 2014

RWB: Murder of Dada Vujasinovic - symbol of impunity

31.10.2014 (Tanjug) - PARIS - The organization Reporters Without Borders has launched a campaign on the occasion of the International Day to End Impunity for Crimes against Journalists, November 2, highlighting ten emblematic cases of impunity, including the one of Serbian reporter Dada Vujasinovic.

The aim is to involve the general public and step up pressure on governments to bring those responsible for these crimes to justice, reads the organization's statement.

Reporters Without Borders has chosen these 10 cases to put names and faces to the tragic statistics and to show the scale and different forms that impunity can take.

The resources deployed by authorities to solve these and many other cases have been either non-existent or hopelessly inadequate, the statement reads, adding that more than 90 percent of crimes against journalists are never solved and therefore never punished.

These ten impunity cases are presented on a specially created website, .

"We must never abandon journalists who are the victims of crimes, not even posthumously," Reporters Without Borders Secretary General Christophe Deloire said.

"The ten impunity cases we are presenting are shocking examples of incompetence or willful inaction by officials who should be punishing despicable crimes against those who have tried to describe reality as it is," he underlined.

Dada Vujasinovic was killed in Belgrade in 1994.

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