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24. 12. 2014

Mirkovic: I do not think reporters' standing has deteriorated

24.12.2014. (Tanjug) - BELGRADE -Sasa Mirkovic, state secretary at the ministry of culture and information, said on Wednesday that he does not agree with the assessment set out by the Independent Journalists' Association of Serbia (NUNS) that journalists' standing has deteriorated in 2014, and noted that the report of that organization shows that there is less fear and distrust.

In a statement to Tanjug, he said that the Serbian government and ministry of culture and information strive to create the best possible conditions for the functioning of the media, but noted that journalists and media have to their part of the work.

2014 has been the year in which the parliament passed the law on public information and media laws which do not allow for any pressure on journalists, Mirkovic noted, adding that clear sanctions have also been set.

According to the NUNS report, over the course of 2014, there have been 22 attacks on journalists in Serbia, compared with 348 attacks in the last five years, which is below the annual average in that period, which means that the trend of pressure and atmosphere of fear is easing off, he said.

Mirkovic underscored that the pressures on journalists and media are not permitted, but that it is also the responsibility of journalists, editors and their associations to help create a constructive atmosphere, together with the authorities and state bodies.

The government and line ministry have the duty to provide the best possible conditions for the functioning of the media, but professional associations play their part in that too, Mirkovic said.

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