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10. 02. 2015

NUNS calls for investigation into attack on Tanjug cameraman

10.2.2015. (Tanjug) - BELGRADE - The Independent Journalists' Association of Serbia (NUNS) sent a request to the International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) and the European Federation of Journalists (EFJ), calling on them to contact the relevant bodies at the EU headquarters in Brussels and seek further information concerning the incident that took place at Schuman Square in Brussels on Monday, when a protester from Kosovo physically attacked a Tanjug cameraman.

The NUNS urged the IFJ and the EFJ, which are based in Brussels, to contact the relevant Belgian police and judiciary bodies and ensure that they initiate an investigation against the attacker.

The NUNS underlines that Tanjug News Agency's reporters just did their job, filming a group of Albanians from Kosovo who protested against the Belgrade-Pristina dialogue at Schuman Square in Brussels on Monday.

Tanjug's reporters introduced themselves and asked whether someone would like to give a statement as to why they had gathered and what they were protesting against.

In reply to this, one protester came forward without any particular reason and slapped cameraman Marko Trosic across the face, cutting his lip.

The NUNS notes it is an unpleasant surprise that the Belgian police officers who saw the attack did nothing, but just advised the Tanjug news crew to get out of there, and told the cameraman that he could press charges against the attacker, if he wanted to.

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