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01. 05. 2015

Olja Beckovic awarded Legion of Honor

1.5.2015. (Tanjug, B92) - BELGRADE -- French Ambassador to Serbia Christine Moro presented the French National Order of the Legion of Honor, the rank of Knight, to journalist Olja Beckovic.

It was given for her "exceptional career path and courage," the ambassador said, stressing that this way her country pays tribute to the profession of journalism as a whole.

Beckovic said on the occasion she was awarded at a time when her political debate show, Utisak Nedelje, (Impression of the Week) was canceled after 23 years "thanks to a political decision."

"I cannot and will not hide my personal discomfort with the fact that your country has seen me more clearly and understood me better than my own," Beckovic said late Thursday.

Qualifying her as the symbol of Serbian journalism, Moro voiced hope Beckovic will be able to continue with the professional mission she set out on.

Moro said that from 1991 to 2014 Beckovic was the host of Utisak Nedelje, a talk show her name is inextricably linked to, which, she added, followed development and transformation of Serbia through all those years.

By developing a completely different concept than the one that existed in your country at the time, free journalism in the service of informing the people... you took part in civic education of several generations of loyal viewers, Moro pointed out.


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