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02. 05. 2015

NUNS: Further humiliation of journalism has to be opposed

2.5.2015. (Tanjug) - The Independent Journalist Association of Serbia (NUNS) has called on media professionals to engage in an international action dubbed "Five Minutes of Thunderous Silence" on Sunday and oppose the further humiliation of their profession.

BELGRADE- The Independent Journalist Association of Serbia (NUNS) has called on media professionals to engage in an international action dubbed "Five Minutes of Thunderous Silence" on Sunday and oppose the further humiliation of their profession.

On the occasion the World Press Freedom Day, NUNS called on all journalists and electronic media to stop their work for five minutes on May 3 at 11:55 a.m. CET, as "a warning about the deteriorating position of journalism in Serbia."

"The government in Serbia stifles critical reporting, while different, especially financial pressures undermine the independence of the editorial policy of the media," NUNS stated. Last year hundreds of media workers have lost their jobs, and thousands of them, even in profitable media companies have humiliating low wages, the statement reads.

According to a Reporters without Borders' report for 2014, Serbia is ranked 67 on the world list of press freedom out of a total of 180 countries. 

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