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10. 10. 2003

Vilification in Vojvodina

NOVI SAD, October 9, 2003 – Vojvodina Assembly representative Djordje Subotic yesterday urged the Novi Sad public prosecutor, the Vojvodina ombudsman and members of the Serbian ...

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09. 10. 2003

Otpor challenges Broadcast Council

BELGRADE, October 9, 2003 - Otpor has launched a petition in protest at the controversial election of Serbia's first ever media monitoring body, the Broadcast Agency Council ...

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09. 10. 2003

Serbian broadcaster complains to Holkeri

KOSOVSKA MITROVICA, October 9, 2003 – Zvecan’s TV Most on Wednesdy wrote to UN governor Harri Holkeri complaining of constant neglect from the UNMIK press office. The letter ...

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19. 09. 2003

Djukanovic sues Dan again

PODGORICA, September 19, 2003 – Montenegrin Prime Minister Milo Djukanovic has announced plans to sue the editor in chief of Podgorica daily Dan and the author of an article ...

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19. 09. 2003

Police confirm arrest of Dan editor

PODGORICA, September 19, 2003 – The head of Kragujevac’s criminal police, Goran Zivkovic, has confirmed for B92 that the editor-in-chief of Podgorica daily Dan, Dusan Jovanovic ...

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18. 09. 2003

B92 “not responsible” for restricted coverage

BELGRADE, September 18, 2003 – Following the publication of allegations against this company by Nedelje Telegraf, and the republishing of this by other media, B92 claims its ...

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18. 09. 2003

Matic on Porta

BELGRADE, September 18, 2003 – Veran Matic, director of RTV B92, today spoke to Glas javnosti about allegations by the former media representatives of the OSCE mission in ...

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18. 09. 2003

Preliminary criminal proceedings against Kurir

BELGRAADE, September 18, 2003 – The editor in chief of weekly Kurir has been interrogated in the First Municipal Court as the first stage of criminal proceedings launched ...

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17. 09. 2003

Piperovic sues Novosti

PODGORICA, September 17, 2003 – Montenegro’s former deputy state prosecutor, Zoran Piperovic, announced yesterday that he would sue Belgrade daily Vecernje novosti and its ...

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17. 09. 2003

Kurir editor in chief testifies

BELGRADE, September 17, 2003 – First Municipal Court investigative judge Dragomir Gerasimovic yesterday summonsed the editor-in-chief of Kurir to testify in a criminal case ...

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