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10. 01. 2003

Journalists Fight Redundancies

NIS, January 10, 2003 – A group of 24 journalists and technicians of Radio Television Serbia’s Nis office who head a list of potential redundancies, have called for the dismissal ...

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09. 01. 2003

New Montenegrin Media Executives

PODGORICA, January 9, 2003 – The Montenegrin Parliament has verified the appointment of Council members: Dr Predrag Vukoslavèeviæ, Dr Olga Peroviæ, Radmila ...

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09. 01. 2003

Bojana Lekic On The Situation In RTS

BELGRADE, January 9, 2003 –- RTS Editor-in-Chief Bojana Lekic said today that legal action had still not been taken against people who had stolen money from the state television. Nor ...

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28. 12. 2002

Seselj Sues for Libel

BELGRADE, December 28, 2002 – Danas editor in chief Grujica Spasovic insisted on Friday on his claims that Radicals’ leader Vojislav Seselj had caused damages to his honour ...

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28. 12. 2002

Jovo Curuvija Demands That Mihajlovic Tell the Truth

BELGRADE, December 28, 2002 - Jovo Curuvija, brother of the murdered Belgrade journalist Slavko Curuvija, has called on Serbian Interior Minister Dusan Mihajlovic to “put ...

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28. 12. 2002

Orlic: Media Sphere to Be Regulated In 2003

FRANKFURT, December 28, 2002 – Yugoslav Information Secretary Slobodan Orlic said Wednesday that the media sphere at the federal level would be regulated in the course of ...

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28. 12. 2002

Association Condemns Attacks on Journalists

The Association warns that “it is not only the BELGRADE, December 28, 2002 – The Independent Association of Serbian Journalists most strongly protested on Saturday against ...

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28. 12. 2002

Roma News and Publishing Company Founded

NOVI SAD, December 28, 2002 – At its last sitting the Vojvodina Parliament passed a decision on forming a company to publish news in the Roma language ...

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27. 12. 2002

Journalist Sues Police

POZAREVAC, December 27, 2002 – Daily Danas journalist Natasa Bogovic has filed charges against the Interior Ministry and the Republic of Serbia for her illegal arrest on ...

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26. 12. 2002

"IT" TV Show Wins Special Prize – Discobolos 2002

Belgrade, 26.12.2002 - "IT" television show, produced by independent production company BS Group and broadcast by TV B92 and ANEM Network, has won special prize, Discobolos ...

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