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27. 10. 2002

Agency Nominations “Next Week”

BELGRADE, October 27, 2002 – The final list of nominations for the Broadcast Council is to be drawn up next week, the president of the Serbian Parliament Culture and Information ...

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24. 10. 2002

Journalists Disagree with Monitor Assessments

PODGORICA, October 24, 2002 – The Association of Independent Electronic Media and the Association of Young Journalists of Montenegro have criticised assessments by election ...

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24. 10. 2002

Yugoslavia Sixtieth on Media Rights List

BELGRADE, October 24, 2002 – Yugoslavia ranks number sixty in the world for respect for freedom of the media. The listing is produced by Reporters Without Borders. Slovenia ...

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23. 10. 2002

Journalist’s Family Threatened

BELGRADE, October 23, 2002 – The Association of Independent Electronic Media today protested at threats made to journalist Jovan Dulovic and his family. Dulovic, who writes ...

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23. 10. 2002

BOOM 93 Director Pays Fine

POZAREVAC, October 23, 2002 – The director of Radio Boom 93, Milorad Tadic, has paid a fine of 2,000 dinars imposed under the Milosevic regime. The radio was fined after ...

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22. 10. 2002

Concern Over Journalists in the Stand

BELGRADE, October 22, 2002 – The Association of Independent Serbian Journalists has expressed concern over criticism of Belgrade journalists giving evidence before the Hague ...

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22. 10. 2002

Jailed for Resisting Milosevic

BELGRADE, October 22, 2002 – The Association of Independent Electronic Media has protested over the possibility that journalists could be jailed for resisting the repression ...

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21. 10. 2002

Association Protests Over Ruling Against Editor

BELGRADE, October 21, 2002 – The Independent Association of Serbian Journalists has protested against the fining of the editor of Radio Boom 92 director Miodrag Tadic. Tadic ...

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19. 10. 2002

Journalists “More Insolent than Politicians”

NOVI SAD, October 19, 2002 – Vojvodina Social Democrats official Aleksandar Kravic has called for the City of Novi Sad to cut its ties to municipal broadcaster Radio 021 ...

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19. 10. 2002

BOOM 93 Director Threatened with Jail

POZAREVAC, October 19, 2002 – The director of Radio Boom 93, Milorad Tadic, has been threatened with thirty days’ imprisonment if he fails to pay a fine of 2,000 dinars (about ...

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