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25. 03. 2008


Belgrade, March 25, 2008 (Center for Integration of Youth, RTV B92 and Mobile Telephony Serbia) – One of the biggest problems facing Belgrade is the lack of locations for activities of deprived children and young people, and every effort to alleviate their everyday difficulties is more than welcome.

The Center for Integration of Youth, RTV B92 and Mobile Telephony Serbia have launched a campaign to collect funds for the project "Shelter for the Street Children" with the aim to provide children and young people living and working in the streets of Belgrade with meals, clean clothes and access to professionals of various specialties, in the premises of the Shelter.

Mobile Telephony of Serbia has offered its users a possibility to donate 25 dinars by simply sending a message to number 1019, which will be used for maintenance and development of the project "Shelter for the Street Children". Users who wish to donate more money can repeat the procedure several times, since there is no limitation on the number of messages.

At first, the funds collected in this way will be spent for organization of field work with the children and youth. After the premises in the Krfska Street become available, the activities will include children's permanent contact with a social worker, psychologist, psychiatrist, medical staff, as well as the organization of workshops which are necessary to facilitate easer integration of the children into the society. Part of the funds will be used for necessary foodstuffs and personal hygiene products.

We should remind ourselves that in August 2007, after a three-year long field work with children and young people living and working in the streets of Belgrade, the Center for Integration of Youth, in partnership with the City Center for Social Work, has opened the first Shelter for this fragile group. The work program was created in cooperation with children and youth, individuals from the social protection system and the colleagues from abroad who have been developing this type of programs for many years.

169 minors have been registered in the Shelter and they are the reason we continue to fight for survival and further development of the project "Shelter for the Street Children". After the relocation of the Shelter from the Drinciceva Street and its temporary stay in the premises of the B92's Culture Center, they are awaiting the completion of works in the Krfska Street at Zvezdara municipality.

Mt:s, with support from RTV B92, wishes to inspire other companies, organizations and individuals to participate in this humanitarian campaign, whether by collective or individual contributions.

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