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21. 03. 2008


The new channel will broadcast news 24 hours a day and, in the beginning, the existing TV B92 news programmes

Belgrade, March 21, 2008 (Blic) – B92's new channel broadcasting news will begin operation in the beginning of April. Viewers will find it in cable network offerings, and it is planned to broadcast it via satellite. Editor in chief of the "B92 Info" channel is Igor Bozic (known for his earlier show "The Parliament"), while Sanda Savic is the director of the news programme.

- "B92 Info" will air news 24 hours a day, seven days a week. Information will be permanently updated, allowing all viewers to be truly informed.

At all times, viewers will be able to access high quality and timely information from the country and the world, sports news, weather forecasts and the most important headlines of the day – information from all segments of life will be offered each second, says Sanda Savic for Blic, explaining how the channel was designed.

- "B92 Info" was conceived as a news channel, a concept recognizable in major international news channels. News programme is the main segment of the channel which will broadcast non-stop. But it is only a part of the content of the channel that will consist of specialized news from the areas of economy, foreign policy, sports...
Every evening we will broadcast a special sport review, while the weekend program will usually include special sport programmes. We also have plans for special shows, one of them being a debate show "Magnification". Dealing with current events, it will be aired every day.

Considering the upcoming elections, the "Magnification" will first cover political issues. Generally speaking, since elections will be held soon, we will reserve one segment of our schedule for political campaigns, explains Sanda, adding that in the beginning, certain shows will be broadcast jointly with the main B92 channel.
In the beginning, both channels will air the existing shows "Kaziprst" and "Poligraf", but the news channel viewers will have a chance to watch their re-runs in several different time slots. Also, both channels will broadcast "The Impression of the Week", "The Insider", "B92 Investigates", "Your Budget", as well as a smaller portion of a special show dealing with the elections.

Generally speaking, "B92 Info" will broadcast and provide re-runs of all author shows and documentary and investigative programmes.

Every evening at 21.00 we will broadcast a first run or a re-run of one of our documentary-investigative programmes. At the same time we will broadcast the best externally produced shows of this type, both domestic and foreign, concludes Sanda Savic.

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