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08. 03. 2008


Belgrade, March 8, 2008 (Glas Javnosti) – President of the Republic of Serbia, Boris Tadic, and representatives of the media and journalistic associations have agreed at the meeting held yesterday that state institutions must provide conditions for safe and unhindered activities of all journalists and media outlets. Media representatives have informed the president about the cases of violence against journalists during recent protests against the unilateral declaration of independence of Kosovo and Metohija, pointing out that the violence against journalists was openly supported and incited by certain officials. President Tadic and media representatives reiterated their demand that all murders of journalists must be solved.

The participants have assessed that certain political structures are trying to recreate the atmosphere similar to the nineties, when holders of the opposite views were labelled traitors in attempt to silence journalists doing their job professionally and objectively.

A conclusion was reached that the division into so-called patriots and traitors is in fact the abuse of the situation in Serbia today and that such labelling of citizens, media representatives and public figures is absolutely unacceptable.


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