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02. 02. 2008


Dragana Nikolic-Solomon, chief of the Media Department of the OSCE Mission in Serbia

BELGRADE, February 2, 2008 (Danas) – Although the Broadcasting Law specifies that municipalities cannot establish and own media outlets, the new Law on Local Self-Government allows municipalities to found radio and television stations to provide reporting in minority languages. Considering the current situation, it seems that the privatization of the minority media will be stopped. Dragana Nikolic-Solomon, the chief of the Media Department of the OSCE Mission in Serbia, warns for Danas against such solution.

Danas: What is your opinion about the suspension of the privatization of the media reporting in minority languages?

- The issue of suspension of the privatization of minority media, i.e. their exemption from the privatization process, is not the best solution for the media system in Serbia. Of course, national minorities have the right to access information in their own language, but it is uncertain whether direct funding by the government will contribute to better access to information for minorities or, as has previously turned out, will be detrimental to this goal. Minority media must be privatized just like the rest of Serbian media, says Dragana Nikolic-Solomon.

Danas: If minority media were privatized, what would be the effect of their financing?
- I believe that the problem of financing minority media programme could be solved using some kind of government's support to minorities via funding of projects. In this way, we would have more transparent financing of these media outlets, where support would be given to projects capable of providing the information of highest quality. Moreover, the commercial media outlets broadcasting in minority languages could also be eligible for such assistance, not only the media owned by the local self-government.

Danas: What would be the best government strategy to preserve minority media?

- Apart from privatization, the government must find a way to achieve long-term support to minority media to preserve them. A long-term governmental strategy might ensure the survival of the highest-quality content in the minority media. This is especially important for smaller municipalities, where local media have an important role in citizens' access to information. Minority population in Serbia should have a variety of information sources available, and not only one source  because it is owned by the state or municipal government. After long delays, privatization of the media should be completed not later than the end of March.

Danas: Will it actually happen?

- At the moment, there is a certain confusion and media privatization has more or less slowed down. The state government should consider the best way to solve this situation. I am sure that they will do it in the near future.

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