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18. 09. 2008


The results of the third survey on the use of information-communication technologies in Serbia announced

Belgrade, September 18, 2008 (Danas) - For the third time, the Statistical Office of the Republic of Serbia has conducted a survey on the use of information-communication technologies in homes and offices. It was conducted according to EUROSTAT methodology on the territory of the Republic of Serbia. The data does not include the autonomous region of Kosovo and Metohija.

The results are rather true to expectations. Computers are used by the greater segment of the population than when the survey was previously conducted. In homes, computers are present in 40.8%. The urban population uses the Internet much more (41.2 in comparison with 21.7% in the rural area), but the rural area has shown a much more significant increase, in comparison with last year, than the urban area (last year, 13.7% homes had Internet access in the rural area, and 35% in the urban). It is encouraging that the use of the broadband Internet has increased for up to 50% in comparison with last year. This primarily refers to ADSL (24.4% in comparison with 12.1%). The cable Internet has marked more modest growth (23.2% in comparison with 15.6% from last year). Modem connection has suffered the most, since it dropped from 73.4% to 51.1%.

However, all the statistical data lost importance when those taking part in the survey were asked when they had used the computer last, because 48% of them admitted than they had never used a computer, and 59.2% had never used the Internet. The users are primarily students (91.3%) and the workforce (53.7%). Once they use the Internet, they primarily update the electronic mail (79.9%) and search for the information about goods and services (60.4%). Electronic newspapers are read by 40.1% of Internet users.

Almost all companies (97.7%) use computers and 91.5% have Internet access – 57% via broadband using ADSL, and 22.6% via cable Internet. The modem access has decreased from 46.7% to 32.6%. The results show that 60.9% of all companies have their web site, and 19.5% support online product ordering or booking. It is disappointing, though, that only 35.7% of them use the security protocol when accepting orders via Internet.

All in all, there is improvement in comparison with last year. Still, we are several years behind the Western Europe. However, in comparison with the neighboring countries, Serbia ranks higher than most of them, on the par with Croatia, claims the Statistical Office of the Republic of Serbia.

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