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03. 12. 2008


Belgrade, December 3, 2008 (Danas) – Publication of a list of citizens who do not have the right to free shares violates democratic standards of protection of personal data, says the Commissioner for Information of Public Importance Rodoljub Sabic. The Privatization Agency published yesterday on its web site and in the media the list of more than 33.000 citizens who are not entitled to receive free shares. The list reveals full names of those citizens, the name of one of their parents, as well as their unique identification number.

- As it seems, this country must have both. Of course, this is obviously a flagrant violation of all standards related to protection of personal data, democratic standards well accepted in the world, and of course that this is a violation of our laws. We are talking about the processing of data without person's consent and the utilization of data which can be used to identify or track citizens... I don't have formal authority to take any measures, Sabic said in an interview for Beta agency.

The Law on Protection of Personal Data, which stipulates that this kind of protection falls under the authority of the Commissioner, will come into force on January 1.

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