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09. 12. 2008


Aleksandrovac, December 9, 2008 (Blic – Srbija) – Jugoslav Stajkovac, president of the municipality of Aleksandrovac, attacked without any cause Igor Mladenovic, a cameraman of the TV station "Diskos" in Aleksandrovac, in the premises of the Communal Services Company.

"Stajkovac came to the meeting of the Trade Union of the municipal Communal Services Company and in front of more than hundred workers, loudly demanded me to turn of the camera and leave the room immediately. After I refused to do so, he pushed the camera's lens and threatened to break the camera if I continue to record him. At this moment, Bosko Pavlovic, the president of the Trade Union of the Communal Services Company, explained to Stajkovac that he had invited the journalists. Stajkovac angrily told Pavlovic to choose a side. After that, he left the meeting", says Mladenovic. Intending to hear both sides, "Blic" has contacted the office of the president Stajkovac several times, but his secretary told us that he is out of office at the moment.

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