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20. 01. 2009


Belgrade, January 20, 2009 (Politika) – Nebojša Bradić, the Minister of Culture, renounced the accusations that the new Law on Illegal Ownership Concentration and Transparency of Public Media Ownership would halt the development of the media. “It is an anti-monopole law, passed in order to prevent the accumulation of a governing or predominant influence on the public opinion on the basis of media ownership. The Law also enables a free transfer and variety of information, thought and ideas, with the aim to exercise the citizens’ right to the freedom of expression and the right to receiving and giving information – said Bradić for “Politika”.

Renouncing the claims that the new Law was being passed in secrecy, Bradić declared that the Ministry of Culture was to organize a debate on the Draft Law, according to its legal jurisdiction, and that “it was bound to create transparent circumstances not only after the law was passed, but also during the discussion prior to its acceptance”. Currently, public debates are being organized in various towns in Serbia, in which the Media Association will also take part. “Any constructive remarks are welcome at the public debate. What we cannot agree with, however, is deliberate instigation of confusion and inability to grasp the gist of the efforts to regulate the media sector by preventing, and not supporting monopole”, said Bradić.

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