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13. 04. 2009


Conclusions and recommendations from the Independent Journalists' Association of Serbia's round table on financial problems in the media

Belgrade, April 13, 2009 (Danas) – Participants of the round table – organized by the Independent Journalists' Association of Serbia under the title "Crisis Legislation – Amended Regulation Can Diminish Effects of the Crisis" – have agreed that an initiative to undertake measures to alleviate the effects of the crisis should be delivered to the Government of Serbia and relevant ministries whose area of expertise includes the media and their business activities, says the Association's press statement on the event. All participants have agreed that the current laws in this area must be strictly enforced, and that it is necessary to change some provisions to relax the conditions of business activities of the media. In order to achieve most efficient approach to the effects of the economic crisis, it is not necessary to change all laws urgently, but it is possible to solve partial problems by directives and other regulations.

Participants have unanimously agreed that advertising of beer and wine should be liberalized and made available to all media outlets as soon as possible.

Also, the participants have agreed with ANEM's proposal to initiate the lowering of the fees paid by the broadcasters to the Republic Broadcasting Agency and the Republic Agency for Telecommunication, which are currently much higher than elsewhere in the region. The proposal to lower the fees paid to SOKOJ and OFPS has also been agreed upon. It has been proposed that a part of the money paid from the Republic Broadcasting Agency's revenues to the Serbian budget be channeled to aid broadcasters, production, education about digitalization, as well as that budget funds earmarked for the media should be allocated in accordance with clearly defined criteria, including the budgets of local self-governments which are intended to provide equal conditions for financing of news at the local level.

Participants of the round table propose that the value added tax should be paid quarterly, after completed projects, and not in advance.

Also, it has been requested that the authorities do their job rigorously and that all types of assistance should be delivered only to the media outlets which pay their taxes regularly as well as all other legally mandated fees, says the Independent Journalists' Association of Serbia in its announcement.

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