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22. 04. 2009


Privatization of the media in Vojvodina blocked, the government offers no solution

Novi Sad, April 22, 2009 (Danas) – After the privatization of media outlets in Vojvodina began, and was subsequently stopped, chaos and confusion remain the main consequences of the fact that the process was started without advance thinking and a clear strategy, estimate the representatives of the province's government and experts.

The secretary for information of the province, Ana Tomanova-Makanova, said that the Secretariat for Information of the Province and journalistic associations had offered few models for continuation of ownership transformation of media outlets, but the Ministry of Culture, the Republic Broadcasting Agency and the Privatization Agency have not replied.

- The process is stopped, and I don't understand why. This situation is disastrous for the media because waiting and anticipation is worst of all. In the cases where media outlets were actually privatized, we have achieved extremely bad results. We demand that the media be independent and free, improvement of professional standards and provision of content in native language, said Tomanova-Makanova at the round table about the privatization of the media in Vojvodina.

During the debate it was pointed out that provisions of various laws regulating this area are contradictory, which has resulted in legal chaos. The media now work in unequal conditions because the privatized media function in the market, while other media outlets work as public companies of local self-government. This inequality is also reflected in the fact that some broadcasters – those who have acquired frequencies and received licenses – pay all fees, while other broadcasters work without frequencies and licenses.

According to information from the Secretariat for Information of the Province, 21 municipal broadcasters have not been privatized yet, out of which 17 broadcast programme in minority languages as well.

Since most of the new owners of the media, local press and radio stations have no connection with journalism and the media, it is clear that a major mistake has been made in this area, whose consequences will be felt in future.

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