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04. 01. 2010


Belgrade, January 4, 2010 (Vecernje novosti) - Bob Garfield, well-known author of a number of media analysis told Vecernje novosti daily that traditional media all over the world are endangered by the digital revolution and are struggling for survival. According to him, the digital era opened the door for limitless information and connecting people but at the same time endangered media that are not reacting to changes. "Their fate will be the same as dinosaurs. The time of advertising is over and media will no longer be big economic sector. There has never been so much content offered to public. What is more important new content is still extending. The content fragmentation on Internet which literally anybody can offer and distribute practically free of charge will make advertising not dominant in parcelled virtual world as it was in classic media environment. At the same time professional journalism will be lost. Digital links enable blossoming of the forms of journalism that didn't exist before". According to Garfield this danger is not felt in Balkan countries yet, but it is to be expected soon.

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