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05. 10. 2010

Slavko Curuvija Street Officially Opened on Oct. 5.

Belgrade, 5.10.2010. (Beta) - Slavko Curuvija Street, named after a journalist who was murdered on April 11, 1999, opened on Oct. 5 in the Belgrade suburb of Dedinje.

"From this day [Oct. 5] this street will forever bear the name of Slavko Curuvija, a journalist, editor and a man who fought for the freedom to write and who was gunned down eleven and half years ago because of that fight," said Belgrade Mayor Dragan Djilas, who opened the new street.

Association of Journalists of Serbia President Ljiljana Smajlovic, who launched the initiative to name a street after the murdered journalist, said that Curuvija was above all a brave man who only asked one thing of the Slobodan Milosevic regime -- for newspapers to be published freely and for free people to freely write for them.

Independent Journalists' Association of Serbia President Vukasin Obradovic said that Belgrade has paid its dues to Curuvija with this symbolic gesture and urged the state to find out who ordered and carried out the slaying.

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