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08. 10. 2010


Belgrade, 08.10.2010. (Politika) - Radio Advertising Bureau in Serbia should help advertisers to use radio for their advertising campaigns in a creative and effective way.

The future of radio is listening to it via internet. At the moment, 35 percent of population aged between 10 and 70 has technical conditions to listen to radio via internet, and 12 percent does that. Among radio audience in Serbia, there are 34 percent of them who listen to same radio station when they are at home, 29 percent of population has a radio unit in car and 36 percent of them listen to radio in car while 52 percent could listen to it at work.

These are results of the latest radio audience research in Serbia, carried out in May 2010 by Ipsos
Strategic Marketing and within the IREX Serbia Media Assistance Program. These results were presented at yesterday's press conference, at which the establishment of Radio Advertising Bureau in Serbia was also discussed.

Lenja Faraguna-Pap, expert for creative and lucrative radio, explained that the aim of RAB was increasing revenue of all radio stations in Serbia. If we have one body where we are all together, it makes us stronger. She emphasized that RAB represented both radio stations and advertisers with an aim to persuade advertisers to take advantage of its potentials.

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