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13. 08. 2010

“Mladgrad” awarded to Radio 021

Novi Sad, 13.08.2010. (Danas) - On the occasion of the International Youth Day, Radio 021 received an award for the overall contribution to improving the position of the youth in local community. "Mladgrad", which is given for the first time, is an award for contribution of local self-governemnts and the media to improving the position of youth and it is granted by the Civic Initiatives in collaboration with the Ministry of Youth and Sport and the Ministry of Public Administration and Local Self-government. The media house which has, according to the jury, dealt with the youth problems most and best is the youth.rs internet portal. Radio Novi Sad, RTS, Radio Zrenjanin and Krusevac weekly "Grad" and infostud.com portal were also awarded. The award was also granted to 17 towns and municipalities as well as two youth organizations.   

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