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19. 11. 2010

UNICEF Serbia Annual Media Award Dedicated to Social Inclusion

Belgrade, 19.11.2010. (UNICEF Serbia) - UNICEF Serbia Office awarded its annual award for media reporting on children and children's rights. This year, the focus was on the social inclusion of children with disabilities. The media entries were reviewed based on the criteria related to the promotion of social inclusion of children with disabilities and general criteria of professional reporting, including quality and ethics in reporting and public interest. Media professionals were honored the UNICEF medal and diploma, and internet modem with a one year subscription provided by UNICEF corporate partner Telenor.

The 2010 winners are:

Ms. Jelena Ilic and Ms. Ana Milojkovic of the national daily "Blic" for  the article "They do not have instructions on how to work". The article an example of informative and analytical approach to a topical issue related to education - the inclusion of children with disabilities. Belonging to the newspaper article genre, which entails the combination of basic and factual information with statements and comments of interviewees, this newspaper text recognizes the importance of inclusion in the educational system as a crucial element for social inclusion of children. The article describes the current situation and problems in the first phases of implementation of the inclusive approach in primary schools, thereby contributing to solution of initial problems in that implementation and supporting measures realized by the Ministry of Education with an aim to improve the process of educational inclusion.

Mr. Uros Drazevic for the radio "Story of Equine Therapy" that was broadcast on the Belgrade based Radio Studio B. In eight minutes, the author managed to create a touching story and a vivid sound picture using a skillful combination of words, music and authentic sound effects. Brief author's explanations, as well as brief statements by the main characters and their spontaneous dialogues at a racecourse, serve as a successful dramatic tool leading this audio recording to a very emotional climax, the voice of little Isidora, a girl with disabilities, who is participating in the riding therapy. This radio item gives support to children like Isidora, helping them to become a part of the community.

Ms. Biljana Kuzmanovic for the TV story "Inclusion of Jelena Maric" aired on TV 5 PLUS from middle Serbia town Uzice. The TV team has found a real heroine who has impressed the viewers by her courage, intelligence and optimism. The heartfelt story told by the girl with cerebral palsy has won hearts and minds better than any other explanation or description, using the power of personal example to send a message that it is possible to live with developmental problems and that each one of us - with or without such problems - possesses huge potential and abilities. Her mature opinions about herself and the world that surrounds her are brimming with optimism and in a best possible way confirm the importance of social inclusion and the role played in this process by parents, teachers, peers, citizens... They are all present in this programme, but the words told by Jelena Maric are most memorable and constitute the greatest value of the TV item.

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