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12. 01. 2011

TV Nis celebrates its 15th birthday

Nis, January 12, 2011. (Vecernje Novosti) - TV Niska (NTV) celebrated 15 years of work yesterday in spite of the difficult situation this media outlet had been facing for years.

NTV started to broadcast in 1996, mainly the informative program. They put the accent on their own production very soon, and the documentary segment of this production has received 13 international awards since 1998.

As for NTV, the media outlet established by the City of Nis, the last year was marked by the strikes of the employees, dissatisfied with the dynamics of income payments. However, Dragan Miljkovic, the editor-in-chief, believes that better days are coming for NTV. According to him, the aim of NTV is to get the status of regional public service broadcaster.  

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