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04. 06. 2002


BELGRADE, June 4, 2002 – The editor in chief of Radio Television Serbia's entertainment program, Ivona Zivkovic, was suspended for presenting her personal opinion of the company's editorial policies. She was suspended 24 hours after publication of the article “Parallel Worlds of Change in RTS” in Belgrade daily Glas javnosti on May 16. The suspension order was signed by RTS director-general Aleksandar Crkvenjakov alleging that Zivkovic had committed a slander. “Ivona Zivkovic is a typical victim of wilful behaviour and her suspension is a signal to everyone that they must be obedient. A personal opinion, regardless of the form in which it is expressed, can only have positive effects, like any other criticism. We are of the opinion that, in line with Articles 109-113 of the Labour Act, people should not be suspended for writing in the media, but the representatives of the media concerned should be able to rebut the report,” RTS Nezavisnost Union official Rade Kalik told a press conference yesterday.

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