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04. 07. 2002

Ilic Opposed To Ngo Involvement in Broadcast Council

POZAREVAC, July 4, 2002 - New Democracy leader Velimir Ilic today came out against the involvement of non-government organisations in the proposed Radio Broadcasting Council. "I am in favour of people who are not in politics for their objectivity but various foundations in this country have a strong influence on the media. If we allow NGOs to conduct this project under the new Broadcast Act it would be a disaster. Then complete foreigners who head certain NGOs would directly influence the administration of the country and, as you know, their intention is to destroy everything national. We cannot allow someone from the EU to tell us who is to run our media. My compliments to all those who do real work, who are into humanitarian work, but the main aim of NGOs is to break Serbia up," said Ilic.

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