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16. 07. 2002

Nationalist Thugs Break Up War Photo Exhibition

CACAK, July 16, 2002 - A group of skinheads last night disrupted the opening of an exhibition by US photographer Ron Haviv in the central Serbian city of Cacak. Organiser Ivan Zlatic suffered severe facial injuries when he was assaulted by the intruders. Haviv is an internationally celebrated chronicler of the effects of war. The exhibition, entitled "Blood and Honey", is a series of images from throughout the nineties showing the breakup of the former Yugoslavia and the bloody conflicts which ensued. The nationalist Freedom movement has notified local media that they will burn copies of the Belgrade dailies Danas and Politika in Cacak's central square at noon tomorrow. The protest marks the anniversary of the death of World War II Chetnik leader Draza Mihailovic, now revered as a hero by diehard nationalist Serb extremists.

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