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22. 08. 2002

Top media analyst nominated to broadcast watchdog

BELGRADE, August 22, 2002 - Respected media analyst Snjezana Milivojevic has been nominated to Serbia’s new Broadcast Agency Council, alongside the president of the Association of Serbian Journalists, Nino Brajevic. The candidates were elected by representatives of nine media groups and associations of film and theatre artists, and composers. The Council will serve as a media regulatory body, set up under the Broadcasting Law adopted by the Serbian Parliament in July. Milivojevic was nominated by the Association of Independent Electronic Media (ANEM), the Association for the Development of Private Broadcasting, “Spektar,” and the Independent Association of Serbian Journalists (NUNS). Support for Nino Brajevic came from the Association of Serbian Journalists, which was widely regarded as a tool of the former regime. NUNS president Milic Lucic-Cavic told B92 that Milivojevic was the perfect candidate, a “complete, independent personality.” “I won’t comment on the other candidate,” she added, “I think everyone has the right to nominate whomever they think is best.” The Council will have nine members, four of which will be nominated by the Serbian government and the provincial authorities in Vojvodina. Under the new law, politicians will also get to vote between Milivojevic and Brajevic. (B92)

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