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12. 12. 2002

Micunovic, Sannino, B92 Awarded for Tolerance

Belgrade,Thursday 12, 2002 -- Yugoslav Parliament's Chamber of Citizens speaker Dragoljub Micunovic and Radio Television B92 were recipients of the first Yugoslav Tolerance Award. On December 10, the World Human Rights Day, at the ceremony in Sava Centre Yugoslav national and ethnic communities ministry announced that Micunovic was awarded as an individual, and B92 as an organisation. Yugoslav national and ethnic communities minister concluded that the situation in the field of human rights has improved considerably. "This was observed and verified by all international factors. You have to be extremely ill-intentioned in order to say that everything has remained as it was during the former regime and that no progress has been made in the field," said Rasim Ljaljic. Accepting the award, Dragoljub Micunovic said that "one needs nothing to be evil". "But in order to be good and humane, one needs courage." Journalist Jasna Jankovic thanked for the award on behalf of B92 and announced that the money will be donated to the Tolerance Development Fund. Special award for tolerance went to former OSCE mission head in Yugoslavia Stefano Sannino. The celebration, which ended with the concert promotion of the album "Serbia: Sounds Global 2", was attended by Yugoslav President Vojislav Kostunica, various diplomats and other celebrities.

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