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09. 06. 2003

Massari: The Law was Broken in the Broadcasting Council’s Constituting

Belgrade, June 9, 2003 (VIP Daily News Report) -- In the constituting of the Broadcasting Council certain legal provisions on the manner of electing its members were violated, and the OSCE has pointed this out to the Serbian authorities, said the head of the OSCE Mission in Serbia and Montenegro, Maurizio Massari. In regard to the remarks by media associations concerning the violation of the legal procedure in the election of certain members of the Broadcasting Council, Massari told Beta that the OSCE welcomed the formation of that body after a several-month delay, since it was necessary for the implementation of the Law on Broadcasting. “The formation of the Council and its composition were approved by the parliament and we respect that decision. At the same time, we are aware of the fact that certain provisions of the law have been violated and we appealed to those responsible to try to respond to this violation of the procedure”, said Massari. Commenting on the objections of the media to certain provisions of the Law on Public Informing, Massari said that the OSCE “believed this law to be a step in the right direction”. “We believe it is better to have that law than not to have it. That does not mean it is perfect”, Massari underlined.

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