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16. 05. 2003

Covic launches attack on Pink

JAGODINA, 16 May, 2003 -- Outspoken Serbian deputy Prime Minister Nebojsa Covic declared yesterday: “I have received information from Pink employees that Zeljko Mitrovic [TV Pink owner] held a meeting with his editors a few days ago, ordering them to launch attacks against me”. Covic was speaking to Jagodina-based TV Palma Plus. He continued by insisting: “Mitrovic cannot be doing this alone – he does not have that mind-set. He is always looking for someone to protect him – back then Mira and Vucelic [former first lady Mira Markovic and former RTS general manager Milorad Vucelic], and now …well, we’ll see”. Covic went on to accuse the director and owner of the Pink Media Company of preparing a special TV show, which will compromise the sports high school in Zeleznik.

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