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15. 05. 2003

Jurisdiction not yet determined in case of Milanovic V Beta

BELGRADE, 15 May, 2003 – Zoran Sesic, investigative judge of Belgrade’s First Municipal Court, is making efforts to establish jurisdiction in the liable case filed by former RTS boss Dragoljub Milanovic against media agency Beta. Sesic yesterday questioned Beta director Ljubica Markovic and editor-in-chief Dragan Janjic, before assigning and forwarding the case to judge Bojan Paunovic. As Beta’s offices are located in Kralja Milana Street, Belgrade, it is highly likely that the First Municipal Court will assume jurisdiction. Milanovic is suing the agency for publishing a report claiming that he laughed in the faces of the families of the 16 RTS employees killed during a NATO bombing raid.

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