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13. 06. 2003

Vodinelic still civil sector candidate

BELGRADE, 13 June, 2003 – A day after the third Broadcast Agency resignation, this time of member Vladimir Vodinelic, representatives of the non-governmental sector in Serbia have announced that election of the Council members must be repeated or they will refuse to nominate their candidate. Meanwhile, Council member Vladimir Cvetkovic has sent an open letter to the Milica Lucic Cavic, president of the Independent Association of Serbian Journalists, concerning her public statements. Eighteen NGOs, whose Broadcast Council representative was Vodinelic, have called on republic MPs to immediately review the decision on the appointment of the three disputed Broadcast members, and re-organize the vote from scratch. In a letter sent to MPs, the organisations said that the people who easily disregarded violations of the law and who are still sitting in the illegal and incomplete Council are not worthy of those seats.

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