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28. 06. 2003

NUNS president is not a spy

BELGRADE, June 28, 2003 – A press conference was held by General Sretan Lukic, Serbian Public Security chief, and UPBOK chief Boro Banjac yesterday regarding a note sent to publication Kurir, which claimed that Milica Lucic-Cavic – president of the Independent Association of Serbian Journalists (NUNS) – was a police spy. The note, allegedly sent by Lukic to Banjac shortly after the assassination of PM Zoran Djindjic, orders that Cavic be consulted prior to any Operation Sabre actions or arrests of journalists. The note continues by describing the NUNS president as a safe operative liaison who has approved orders to compromise a number of journalists and editors and has been paid in advance. General Lukic dismissed the order out of hand as a big counterfeit.

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